Registration now open for the best skills camp in the city! Register now at https://go.teamsnap.com/forms/111547
A Cinderella Story Our OBA weekend in Waterloo literally began with Cinderella. A player, who shall remain nameless, showed up for our first game at 9pm on Friday with one shoe. The other, not in the car, not back at the hotel, but back in Toronto! Within minutes, a quick thinking parent was out the door and found a second-hand shop, just closing, and came back with perfect-fitting, funky kicks (see picture) and on we went to win game one. […]
Toronto Lords U13 Girls capped off an awesome season with the Bronze medal this past weekend in Niagara. U13 roster of 15 was depleted down to 13 due to injury and after a couple of hard fought games this weekend we found our roster down to 11 by the bronze match. U13 opened up with a tough contender in the Pelham Panthers 31-24. This game consisted of a 10 point run that got us to with in 3points with about […]
Congrats to all our prize winners who helped support our teams! We will be contacting you with how to best get you your prize. Early Bird Prize – 2 Tickets to the Raptors vs Brooklyn on March 23rd Winner: 3314- Natasha Ramsahai Grand Prize Winner #1 – A Pair of Tickets to the Raptors vs Indiana, April 6th Winner: 4686 – Isabelle Xu Grand Prize Winner #2 – Autographed Kyle Lowry Toronto Raptors Jersey Winner: 3501 – Esther Kang Other […]
The Toronto Lords will be offering a March Break Basketball Camp for boys and girls ages 8-14 at DA Morrison Middle School (271 Gledhill Ave, East York, ON M4C 5L2). The camp will focus heavily on skill development, with daily shooting, ball-handling, and passing drills, as well as introducing high-level team skill and tactics. The camp will run from 9am until 3pm daily from March 12-16th, and costs only $100. To register please visit https://go.teamsnap.com/forms/103726 , and if you have […]
Despite the weather and the terrible drive, the Under 12 Major Atom Boys came to play on Saturday, losing 2 games by a combined 6 points in their OBL weekend in Kitchener at Conestoga College. In the first game, they lost a close one to the hometown KW Vipers, and then lost on a close shot at the buzzer in the second game to the Niagara Falls Red Raiders. Standout performances by Osiah Hutchinson (13.5ppg avg), Dane Thureson-White (12 points […]
Registration for our award-winning Mini-Baller Jr. NBA programs for kids ages 4-9 are now open for the Fall and Winter sessions. Space is limited so make sure you register now to save your spot. The fall program kicks off September 23rd, so register today! Looking forward to another excellent year of basketball!
Unfortunately, it has come to our attention that several people not involved in our program have been using our name to go door-to-door collecting money. These individuals are not associated with our program, and we do no door-to-door fundraising for tournaments or activities. Please do not give these individuals any money, and if you can please find out their names or send a description of the people to [email protected] it would be greatly appreciated. As well, feel free to notify […]
Toronto Lords Basketball Summer Programming is now open for registration. Limited spots exist so please register today at https://lordsbasketball.com/registration/ to ensure your spot. Contact [email protected] for more information.